A School Resource Officer (SRO) works closely with school administrators to ensure the safety and security of the school and property.
The School Resource Officer fills many different roles:
- The SRO is a proactive law enforcement officer dealing with law-related issues on campus.
- The SRO provides students with a positive role model and a balanced, realistic view of law enforcement.
- The SRO serves as an educational resource for students, teachers, administrators, and parents. The SRO also attends classes and instructs as a guest to teach law-related topics.
- The SRO is a member of the administrative team, assisting in solving problems and serving on the school’s crisis management team.
- The SRO is a resource for both faculty and students and provides informal counseling and/or advice. The Officer has received training regarding programs and services available to handle problems and conflicts. Getting the right kind of help to those in need is one of the SRO’s highest priorities.
Officer Dena Benroth

Officer Benroth has been an officer with the Marion Police Department since September of 2018. She is currently assigned to Harding High School.
Phone: (740) 387-2525 ext. 1311
Email: dbenroth@marionohio.org
Officer Rob Gery

Officer Rob Gery has been an officer with the Marion Police Department since January of 2008. He is assigned to Grant Middle School.
Phone: (740) 387-2525 ext. 1194
Officer Shane Gabriel

Officer Shane Gabriel has been an officer with the Marion Police Department for many years. Prior to joining the Marion Police Department, he worked for the Bucyrus Police Department. He and Officer Todd Monnette share the responsibility of the elementary schools for Marion City Schools as well as Grant-Withrow and Harding-Withrow.
Phone: (740) 387-2525
Officer Todd Monnette

Officer Todd Monnette has been an officer with the Marion Police Department for many years. Prior to joining the Marion Police Department, he worked for the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. He started as the SRO for the Mary Ellen Withrow Schools for the 2019-2020 school year when the position was added. He and Officer Shane Gabriel now share the responsibility of the elementary schools for Marion City Schools as well as Grant-Withrow and Harding-Withrow.
Phone: (740) 387-2525